I've known Kirk for going on 20 years now when my studio was just a few blocks from Askews. I've probably purchased paint from there going on 27 years. Askew Taylors is a Raleigh institution dating back to 1946 when Kirk's grandfather ran a painting and finishing business. I used to get my Benjamin Moore paint mixed up there in the back where the color mixing machine still resides. Kirk's father T.K. and he could both mix the right color just by looking. No need for color analyzers and computers. T.K. and the Benjamin Moore business are both gone now. Keeping it in the family, Kirk and his daughter Helen have now turned it into strictly an art supply business, something Kirk started after a couple of years in design school primarily to help with the slow months. It soon grew into half the business. The remnants of old inventory dating back years still populate the many cluttered rooms and hallways of the store. It's always an adventure to explore the upstairs. Every time I go I see something new. Today I found a collection of scale commercial airline models...one a Cathay Pacific Airlines 747 similar to the one I flew on when I went to Hong Kong in 2006. I started painting a little over a year ago and it's been fun to head over to Askew's and get my brushes and other supplies. If you plan to visit and you should, Askew's is at 110 Glenwood Avenue downtown in the heart of Glenwood South.
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